Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Best Friend Roshan.

Yesterday I lost one of my best friends, Roshan Balsara/Kakalia to Cancer. I know it is human nature to always say nice things about a person after he or she has passed away, but to me Roshan’s loss is just too much to handle. I knew Roshan from college.. we met on the Badminton Court thanks to my love for the sport and her love for doing TP. I have to credit our friendship to Avinash… for if it was not for Koska, then I would not have been introduced to her. We played very often on the same side of the net, and I would often give her friendly words of advice on her game, as if I were an expert. Thanks to this, I got the tag of ‘Coach’ which she would use when ever I would get on her nerves… I must say, of all the people I have met, no one took to me faster than Roshan.

I remember the time I went back to college after my father passed away. I didn’t know she had lost her father when she was very young. She saw me entering and came up to me and hugged me. Not a word was spoken. Just that hug said a lot, to me and to her. I later got to know more about her and her family… it was easy for us to relate to each other as we both had many things in common. After we both finished college, we did keep in touch, but seldom met. We played badi a couple of times, but we spoke a hell of a lot!! Either I would call from office or she would call when I was at home. We spoke a lot… well, she spoke a lot and I listened. I guess she had a lot more going on in her life than I did. Her mothers loss affected her a lot, the depression started again and as is with all large families, problems within the family began. I shared many a moments where I didn’t know what to say to console my weeping friend on the other end of the line.

She got married to a great guy, Sarosh, a childhood friend, and began her new life of being a wife. Her wedding day will always have a special place in my heart for I wore the most hideous red kurta for an all Parsi affair!! She went on ship with her hubby and we would communicate via emails, most of which I still have. I guess she waited for some communication from her homeland and I waited for a reply from a friend.

Today she has her son Eric and a brother Xerkses keeping her name going. There are soo many things which she wanted to do before she died, but I guess the great lord had other plans for her.

I wish each and everyone of you had a chance to meet Roshan, or at least have a friend like her. Outspoken yet honest, to the point and sharp. Roshan, I wish I was a better friend to you… You will never be forgotten.

Lone surviving member of F.A.

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